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During the Formula 1 Rolex Australian Grand Prix, Penrite Racing drivers, David Reynolds and Matt Payne stopped by to visit MUR Motorsport, The University of Melbourne’s Formula SAE team who were on display at the event.  

Dave and Matt were shown their car on display in the Tech Hub, and informed by team members on the key aspects of the Formula SAE competition which brings together university students from a variety of disciplines to design, engineer, build and market an electric race car. They then compete against other university teams from around the world.  

Their team involves students from first-year undergraduates to those undertaking their masters’ studies.  

The FSAE program aligns with the Grove Junior Team whose aim is to support the development of young drivers, mechanics, engineers and mechanics with individuals able to apply their skills to a real-world application. Current Penrite Racing team members such as newly appointed #19 Race Engineer, Jack Bell and Media Coordinator Alison Powell have been part of the program during their university studies.  

The visit prompted the team to invite members of the MUR team to the Penrite Racing workshop in a few weeks’ time, where they will be given a tour and a workshop from Team Principal David Cauchi and David Reynolds.  

David Reynolds said:  

“It was great to meet the MUR team. Formula SAE is such a great platform for young people wanting to work in motorsport. It’s fantastic they were on display at AGP; It’s important we continue to support the future of the industry and we look forward to hosting them at the workshop. I look forward to seeing their progress.”  

Matt Payne said:  

“It was awesome to meet some of the MUR Motorsport team. They showed us their FSAE car and explained their competition and the different aspects of it. It is really impressive. They were super excited about what they do and how much they are learning in their team. I am looking forward to seeing what they can achieve and hope with their visit we can provide some further support. I wish them the best of luck in their studies and competition.” 

Team Principal David Cauchi said:  

“There is a lot of talent within these teams and the way they operate is very impressive. Penrite Racing is pleased to offer support to the teams and let them see the operations of our team and workshop.” 

To learn more about Formula SAE and MUR Motorsport see the links below:

Formula SAE

MUR Motorsport


Alison Powell | PR, Media, Marketing Coordinator | Grove Racing +61 04542 518 061